How to make pot brownies and other weed edibles?

Weed brownies are probably the most popular from of weed infused edibles. In this article, we will learn how to bake weed brownies easily and in no time. Also, we’ll discuss how you can cook up weed butter and even make weed gummies at home. 

Stuff you need to know before making cannabis brownies 

  • Measuring and dosage have to managed carefully. Too much weed in your edibles can give you a bad trip. So for your first attempt, we recommend the amount mentioned in the recipe(4 grams). You can add or reduce in the next one depending on your experience.
  •  Weed strains have a variety of effects on the brain and body. Some increase focus and concentration while others get you relaxed. Remember these effects will be stronger and more intense when you eat infused brownies.
  • At the time of writing, pot consumption is fully legalized in Canada and increasingly more legalized in the majority of US States, it may not be legal where you live. If you're in the United States, you can check this list of US States to figure out whether you can legally bake weed brownies.
  • As companies and organizations continue to have tests to check for pot consumption, make sure you understand the law and how long weed stays in your blood, hair and piss(depending on the test), 


Decarbing and dehydrating weed for pot brownies


How to start baking with cannabis: Decarboxylation

Before we start baking, we first need to make sure that we have decarbed cannabis flower. Now the question: what is decarbing and how do you do it?

In short, It's the process of converting THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) present in cannabis to an active component called THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). This magical THC helps us get high. The process of how to decarb bud to bake cannabis infused brownies is extremely easy. 

  1. Preheat the oven to 250℉. 
  2. Make sure that you break the cannabis into small pieces in decarb pot. Make sure you do not grind it, just simply break them into small pieces. 
  3. Lay the small pieces of cannabis on a baking sheet and bake the cannabis at 250℉ for 25-30 minutes. Decarbed cannabis should change its color from green to light brown. 
  4. Remove cannabis from the baking sheet and let it cool for a while.

Pot Brownies

Now that we have decarbed cannabis, we can finally begin with the next part of our recipe: the cannabutter. 

How to cook your own Weed butter at home?

NOTE: We’re going to cover how to decarb and cook weed butter in this section. If you find this interesting, you can read our full cannabutter guide here,


  1. Boil 4 cups of water and then add two sticks of butter.
  2. Add ½ ounce of decarbed cannabis. Simmer for three hours on low flame. 
  3. After three hours the flower will have a thick and shiny texture. Use two cheesecloths to remove the weed butter from any kind of residue. 
  4. Refrigerate the weed butter and Voila! Your cannabutter is now ready to use. 

Weed butter recipe

How to bake pot brownies with ingredients from your kitchen?

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Make a smooth mixture of 100 grams weed butter. It should have:
  •  4 grams of cannabis(Make sure it is finely crushed in a grinder or by hand and does not contain any stems or seeds)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • Cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • A pinch of salt. 
  1. Once these ingredients are all thoroughly mixed, spread it evenly on a greased pan. Bake it for 25 minutes.

An easy alternative: Use Brownie mix to make weed brownies

Brownie mix

You can either use ingredients available at home or simply use store bought brownie mix. Baking with the mix is self-explanatory: just follow the instructions on the box and you’re good to go.

How to make Weed Gummies at Home?

Weed gummies


Gummies are one of the tastiest ways to get high. 

You will need the following ingredients:

  1. 3 tbsp gelatine
  2. 2/3 cup fruit puree
  3. 1/3 cup water
  4. 1 tbsp lemon juice
  5. 3 tsp cannabis tincture
  6. Butter or oil
  7. 2 tbsp honey 

Instructions for making weed gummies:

  1. Finely mix all the ingredients except cannabis and gelatine in a baking pan on medium flame.
  2. Keep stirring till it becomes a smooth paste. Then use a dropper to add cannabis and gelatin. 
  3. Empty the paste into gummy molds and refrigerate for 15 minutes. 
  4. Remove from the frozen paste from the gummy molds.

How Many pot brownies/gummies should I eat? 


  • Edibles can take a while to kick in ads they make you high in a different way as compared to smoking. 
  • Your brownies can last for a week in the fridge and the gummies can last even longer. So try the first batch and see the effects before going crazy.
  • As the effects of edibles are so different from smoking, so are the feelings you will get. Prepare to get some serious munchies and makes sure you have some healthy food to chomp on once it starts. 

 You've got yourself some tasty homemade gummies with the power of THC! Happy highs!!

Cooking with marijuana is fun. However, if you have kids or any pets, you have to remember to also be responsible as the effect of weed is bad for dogs as well as kids. Make sure your weed is hidden or locked away in a place where no kid/pet can get to it.

At AllinBud, we have a beautiful and long lasting solution to protecting your stash: our ranger of trendy and solid weed stash boxes. We even have some plain and discreet cannabis stashboxes that can keep your stash safe and fresh.

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